List of Famous people named Rand

Similar names: Randy, Randi, Randa, Randee, Rande. Here are some famous Rands:

Rand Paul

Randal Howard Paul
First Name Rand
Last Name Paul
Born on January 7, 1963 (age 61)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Randal Howard Paul is an American politician and physician serving as the junior United States Senator from Kentucky since 2011. He is a son of former twelve-term U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas, who was a presidential candidate in 1988, 2008, and 2012.

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Rand Brooks

First Name Rand
Last Name Brooks
Born on September 21, 1918
Died on September 1, 2003 (aged 84)

Arlington Rand Brooks Jr. was an American film and television actor.

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Rand Miller

First Name Rand
Last Name Miller
Born on January 17, 1959 (age 65)

Rand Miller is a CEO and co-founder of Cyan Worlds. He and brother Robyn Miller became famous due to the success of their computer game Myst, which remained the all-time bestselling computer game from its release in 1993 until that record was surpassed by The Sims nearly a decade later. Rand also worked on the game's sequel, Riven, and later reprised his role as protagonist Atrus in Myst III: Exile, realMyst, Uru, Myst IV: Revelation, and Myst V: End of Ages. He also co-authored Myst novels The Book of Atrus, The Book of Ti'ana, and The Book of D'ni.

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