List of Famous people named Ralf

Name Ralf is among the most common names in Germany. Similar names: Ralph, Ralphie. Here are some famous Ralfs:

Ralf Rangnick

Ralf Rangnick is a German professional football manager, sports executive, and former player who was most recently head of sport and development at Red Bull GmbH. He is considered to be one of the most influential coaches and executives in the world.

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Ralf Schumacher

Ralf Schumacher is a German former racing driver. He is the younger brother of seven-time Formula One World Champion Michael Schumacher and the pair are the only siblings to win Formula One races.

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Ralf Schmitz

First Name Ralf
Born on November 3, 1974 (age 49)

Ralf Schmitz is a German comedian and actor.

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Ralf Moeller

First Name Ralf
Born on January 12, 1959 (age 65)
Height 197 cm | 6'6

Ralf Rudolf Moeller is a German actor and former competitive bodybuilder. He is known for his roles of Brick Bardo in Cyborg, Kjartan in The Viking Sagas, the title character in the television show Conan the Adventurer, Hagen in Gladiator, Thorak in The Scorpion King and Ulfar in Pathfinder.

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Ralf Wolter

First Name Ralf
Born on November 26, 1926 (age 97)
Born in Germany

Ralf Wolter is a German stage and screen actor. Wolter appeared in nearly 220 films and television series in his over 60 years as a character actor.

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Ralf Richter

First Name Ralf
Born on August 17, 1957 (age 66)

Ralf Richter is a German actor. He debuted as the crude sailor "Frenssen" in the Academy Award-nominated 1981 film Das Boot and frequently appeared in German TV series. He played main roles in German films such as Bang Boom Bang (1999), Fußball ist unser Leben (1999) or If It Don't Fit, Use a Bigger Hammer (2002).

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Ralf Stegner

First Name Ralf
Born on October 2, 1959 (age 64)

Ralf Stegner is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). He was the leader of the SPD in Schleswig-Holstein from 2007 to 2019. He is currently the Leader of the Opposition in Schleswig-Holstein since June 2017, an office he also held from July 2009 to June 2012. He is considered a member of the SPD's left wing.

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Ralf Little

First Name Ralf
Born on February 8, 1980 (age 44)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Ralf Alastair John Little is an English actor, writer, presenter, narrator and former semi-professional footballer, working mainly in television comedy. He played Antony Royle in The Royle Family and Jonny Keogh in the first six series of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps. Since 2020, he has starred as DI Neville Parker in Death in Paradise.

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Ralf Wohlleben

First Name Ralf
Born on February 27, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Germany, Thuringia

Ralf Wohlleben is a German Neo-Nazi and was a supporter of the terrorist group Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU). He was deputy state chairman and press spokesman of the Nationaldemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (NPD) in Thuringia, and chairman of the district association of the NPD Jena. He is one of the leading Neo-Nazis in the Free State of Thuringia. On 11 July 2018, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

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Ralf de Souza Teles

First Name Ralf
Born on June 9, 1984 (age 40)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Ralf de Souza Teles, known simply as Ralf, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Avaí.

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