List of Famous people named Raimbaut

Here are some famous Raimbauts:

Raimbaut of Orange

First Name Raimbaut
Born on January 1, 1147
Died on January 1, 1173 (aged 26)

Raimbaut of Orange or, in his native Old Occitan, Raimbaut d'Aurenga, was the lord of Orange and Aumelas. His properties included the towns of Frontignan and Mireval. He was the only son of William of Aumelas and of Tiburge, daughter of Raimbaut, count of Orange. After the early death of Raimbaut's father, his guardians were his uncle William VII of Montpellier and his elder sister Tibors.

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Raimbaut II, Count of Orange

First Name Raimbaut
Died on November 30, 1120

Raimbaut II, Count of Orange was the elder son of Bertrand Raimbaut and of his first wife Gilberte.

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