List of Famous people named Qiang

Here are some famous Qiangs:

Qiang Hong

First Name Qiang
Last Name Hong
Born on June 13, 1976 (age 48)

Qian Hong was a former Chinese badminton player. She was part of the national team that clinched an Uber Cup in 1998 Hong Kong. In the individual events, she participated at the 1994 World Junior Championships clinched a gold medal in the mixed doubles event partnered with Zhang Wei, and a silver medal in the girls' doubles event with Wang Li. Teamed-up with Liu Lu, she won the women's doubles title at the 1996 Scottish Open, and 1997 Swedish Open. At the 1997 Asian Championships, she won two silver medals in the mixed and women's doubles event, and also settled for a bronze medal at the World Championships in the women's doubles event.

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Qiang Wei

First Name Qiang
Last Name Wei
Born on March 1, 1953 (age 71)

Qiang Wei is a Chinese politician and senior regional official. He is serving as Vice-Chairperson of National People's Congress Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee. Previously, he served as the Communist Party Secretary of Jiangxi province between 2013 and 2016. He spent much of his earlier political career in Beijing as a key leader of its law-enforcement institutions, including the Beijing Political and Legislative Affairs Commission (Zhengfawei) and the Beijing Public Security Bureau. He also served as the party chief of Qinghai province.

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