List of Famous people named Poppa

Similar names: Poppy, Pop, Popi, Poppaea. Here are some famous Poppas:

Poppa of Bayeux

First Name Poppa
Born on January 1, 0900
Died on January 1, 1000 (aged 100)
Born in France, Normandy

Poppa of Bayeux, was the wife more danico' of the Viking conqueror Rollo. She was the mother of William I Longsword, Gerloc and grandmother of Richard the Fearless, who forged the Duchy of Normandy into a great fief of medieval France. Dudo of Saint-Quentin, in his panegyric of the Norman dukes, describes her as the daughter of a "Count Berengar", the dominant prince of that region, who was captured at Bayeux by Rollo in 885 or 889, shortly after the siege of Paris. This has led to speculation that she was the daughter of Berengar II of Neustria.

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