List of Famous people named Otomo

Here are some famous Otomos:

Ōtomo no Tabito

First Name Ōtomo
Last Name Tabito
Born on November 30, 0664
Died on January 1, 0731 (aged 66)

Ōtomo no Tabito was a Japanese military leader and poet, best known as the father of Ōtomo no Yakamochi, who contributed to the compilation the Man'yōshū alongside his father.

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Ōtomo no Yakamochi

First Name Ōtomo
Last Name Yakamochi
Born on November 30, 0717
Died on October 5, 0785 (aged 67)

Ōtomo no Yakamochi was a Japanese statesman and waka poet in the Nara period. He is a member of the Thirty-six Poetry Immortals . He was born into the prestigious Ōtomo clan; his grandfather was Ōtomo no Yasumaro and his father was Ōtomo no Tabito. Ōtomo no Sakanoue no Iratsume was his aunt.

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Ōtomo Sōrin

First Name Ōtomo
Last Name Sōrin
Born on January 31, 1530
Died on June 11, 1587 (aged 57)

Ōtomo Sōrin , also known as Fujiwara no Yoshishige and Ōtomo Yoshishige, was a Japanese feudal lord (daimyō) of the Ōtomo clan, one of the few to have converted to Roman Catholicism (Christianity). The eldest son of Ōtomo Yoshiaki, he inherited the Funai Domain, on Kyūshū, Japan's southernmost main island, from his father. He is perhaps most significant for having appealed to Toyotomi Hideyoshi to intervene in Kyūshū against the Shimazu clan, thus spurring Hideyoshi's Kyūshū Campaign of 1587.

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Otomo Yoshihide

First Name Otomo
Last Name Yoshihide
Born on August 1, 1959 (age 64)

Otomo Yoshihide is a Japanese composer and multi-instrumentalist. He plays guitar, turntables, and electronics.

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Ōtomo Yoshimune

First Name Ōtomo
Last Name Yoshimune
Born on November 30, 1557
Died on September 2, 1610 (aged 52)

Ōtomo Yoshimune was a Japanese daimyō of the Sengoku period, heir of Otomo Sōrin at the head of the Ōtomo clan. He was the eldest son and successor of Otomo Sōrin as lord of the Bungo Province. His mother was an anti-Christian, known today only for the Jesuit epithet for her, Jezebel.

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Ōtomo no Otomaro

First Name Ōtomo
Last Name Otomaro
Born on January 1, 0731
Died on June 14, 0809 (aged 78)

Ōtomo no Otomaro was a Japanese general of the Nara period and of the early Heian period. He was the first to hold the title of sei-i taishōgun. The title of Shōgun was bestowed by Emperor Kanmu in 794. Some believe he was born in 727. His father was Ōtomo no Koshibi.

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