List of Famous people named Nyl

Similar names: Neil, Neal, Nelly, Nell, Nellie, Nello, Nele, Neill, Nile, Neale, Nella, Nil, Nyle, Neel, Nela, Neelie, Nyla, Neely, Nellee, Neile, Neli, Nelli, Nelo, Nilla, Niele, Nelie, Neall, Niell, Neilia, Neele, Nilo. Here are some famous Nyls:

Nyl Yakura

Nyl Kiyoshi Yakura
First Name Nyl
Born on February 14, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Canada, Ontario
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Nyl Kiyoshi Yakura is a Canadian badminton player. Yakura competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. He won a gold and a silver at the 2019 Lima Pan American Games in the men's and mixed doubles events respectively.

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