List of Famous people named Novak

Here are some famous Novaks:

Novak Djokovic

First Name Novak
Last Name Djokovic
Born on May 22, 1987 (age 37)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Novak Djokovic is a Serbian professional tennis player. He is currently ranked as world No. 1 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). Djokovic has been No. 1 for 306 weeks, and has finished as year-end No. 1 on six occasions, an Open Era record shared with Pete Sampras. Djokovic has won 17 Grand Slam men's singles titles, including a record eight Australian Open titles. He is the only player to win all of the elite tournaments on the modern men's professional circuit. – that is, all four Grand Slam tournaments, all nine ATP Masters 1000 tournaments, and the ATP Finals. In particular, he is also the only player to complete the career Golden Masters, which he has done twice. Overall, he has won 81 ATP singles titles, including a record 36 Masters events.

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