List of Famous people named Noni

Similar names: Nonna, Nona, Nonny, Non, Nono, Nonia, Nony. Here are some famous Nonis:

Noni Hazlehurst

Leonie Elva Hazlehurst
First Name Noni
Born on August 17, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Leonie Elva "Noni" Hazlehurst, is an Australian actress, director, writer, presenter and broadcaster who has appeared on television and radio, in dramas, mini-series and made for television films, as well also on stage and in feature films since the early 1970s. Hazlehurst has been honoured with numerous awards including Australian Film Institute Awards, ARIA Awards and Logies, including being inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2016.

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Noni Madueke

First Name Noni
Born on March 10, 2002 (age 22)

Chukwunonso "Noni" Tristan Madueke is an English professional footballer who plays for Eredivisie club PSV, as an attacking midfielder.

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Noni Răzvan Ene

First Name Noni
Born on April 17, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Romania

Noni Răzvan Ene, professionally known by his stage name Noni, is a Romanian singer, songwriter, music producer, TV personality and dancer. Noni is best known worldwide for representing Romania in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2004, with the song Îţi mulţumesc, finished fourth place with 123 points. It's the best result Romania ever gained.

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