List of Famous people named Nijo

Similar names: Nyjah. Here are some famous Nijos:

Nijō Haruyoshi

First Name Nijō
Born on November 30, 1525
Died on November 30, 1578 (aged 53)

Nijō Haruyoshi , son of regent Nijō Korefusa, was a Japanese kugyō of the Muromachi period (1336–1573). He held a regent position kampaku two times from 1548 to 1553 and from 1568 to 1578. He married a daughter of prince Fushimi-no-miya Sadaatsu who gave birth to Kujō Kanetaka, Nijō Akizane and Takatsukasa Nobufusa.

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Nijō Narinobu

First Name Nijō
Born on April 10, 1788
Died on June 9, 1847 (aged 59)

Nijō Narinobu , son of Nijō Harutaka, was a Japanese kugyō of the Edo period (1603–1868). He married a Tokugawa Juko (1796-1844), daughter of the seventh head of Mito Domain Tokugawa Harutoshi. The couple had son Nijō Nariyuki, among others.

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Nijō Atsumoto

First Name Nijō
Born on June 14, 1883
Died on September 11, 1927 (aged 44)
Born in Japan

Nijō Atsumoto , son of Nijō Motohiro, was a Japanese politician who served as a member of House of Peers in the Meiji period (1868–1912). He adopted Nijō Masamaro's son Tamemoto.

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