List of Famous people named Nihal

Similar names: Nehal. Here are some famous Nihals:

Nihal Yalçın

First Name Nihal
Born on March 29, 1981 (age 43)

Nihal Yalçın is a Turkish actress.

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Nihal Sarin

First Name Nihal
Born on July 13, 2004 (age 20)
Born in India

Nihal Sarin is an Indian chess player. A chess prodigy, he achieved the title of Grandmaster at age 14. He is also the fourth youngest player in history to cross the Elo rating mark of 2600, accomplishing this feat at age 14.

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Nihal Bengisu Karaca

First Name Nihal
Born on November 30, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Ankara Province

Nihal Bengisu Karaca is a Turkish journalist and author.

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Nihal Koldaş

First Name Nihal
Born on January 1, 1956 (age 69)

Nihal Geyran Koldaş is a Turkish actress and theater director. She is known for her roles in Masumiyet as Yusuf's elder sister and in Bıçak Sırtı as Gönül. Together with Zeki Demirkubuz, she was one of the two producers of Masumiyet.

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Nihal Anbar

First Name Nihal
Born on October 9, 1961 (age 63)
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Don't know him/her
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