List of Famous people named Neo

Similar names: Noah, Nia, Nao, Naoya, Noa, No, N, Nie, Noe, Ni, Ney, Naya, Na, Nae, Naho, Ne, Nye. Here are some famous Neos:

Neo Yau

First Name Neo
Last Name Yau
Born on September 24, 1990 (age 33)

Neo Yau Hawk-Sau is a Hong Kong-based actor. He co-founded a political satire group called "Mocking Jer," which specialised in creative derivative work which satirised local news and government. In 2015, he gained recognition with his performance as the main character Pang Shing-Wa in She Remembers, He Forgets.

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Neo Rauch

First Name Neo
Last Name Rauch
Born in Germany, Saxony

Neo Rauch is a German artist whose paintings mine the intersection of his personal history with the politics of industrial alienation. His work reflects the influence of socialist realism, and owes a debt to Surrealists Giorgio de Chirico and René Magritte, although Rauch hesitates to align himself with surrealism. He studied at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, and he lives in Markkleeberg near Leipzig, Germany and works as the principal artist of the New Leipzig School. The artist is represented by Galerie EIGEN + ART Leipzig/Berlin and David Zwirner, New York.

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Neo Tanaka

First Name Neo
Last Name Tanaka
Born on January 1, 1996 (age 28)
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Don't know him/her
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