List of Famous people named Neall
Similar names: Neil, Neal, Nelly, Nell, Nellie, Nello, Nele, Neill, Nile, Neale, Nella, Nil, Nyle, Neel, Nela, Neelie, Nyla, Nyl, Neely, Nellee, Neile, Neli, Nelli, Nelo, Nilla, Niele, Nelie, Niell, Neilia, Neele, Nilo. Here are some famous Nealls:
Neall Ellis
First Name Neall
Born on November 24, 1949
(age 75)
Neall Ellis is a South African military aviator and mercenary. Raised in Bulawayo, he joined the South African Air Force after a brief stint in the Rhodesian Army. As a helicopter pilot he was awarded the Honoris Crux decoration in 1983, and later attained field rank. After retiring from the SAAF he contracted for various private military corporations, including Executive Outcomes and Sandline International. During the civil war in Sierra Leone, he and his crew held off Revolutionary United Front (RUF) forces almost single-handedly. He also provided fire support for British troops during Operation Barras.
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See also:
List of Famous people named Neil
List of Famous people named Neal
List of Famous people named Nelly
List of Famous people named Nell
List of Famous people named Nellie
List of Famous people named Nello
List of Famous people named Nele
List of Famous people named Neill
List of Famous people named Nile
List of Famous people named Neale
List of Famous people named Nella
List of Famous people named Nil
List of Famous people named Nyle
List of Famous people named Neel
List of Famous people named Nela
List of Famous people named Neelie
List of Famous people named Nyla
List of Famous people named Nyl
List of Famous people named Neely
List of Famous people named Nellee
List of Famous people named Neile
List of Famous people named Neli
List of Famous people named Nelli
List of Famous people named Nelo
List of Famous people named Nilla
List of Famous people named Niele
List of Famous people named Nelie
List of Famous people named Niell
List of Famous people named Neilia
List of Famous people named Neele
List of Famous people named Nilo