List of Famous people named Natali

Name Natali is among the most common names in Russia. Similar names: Natalia, Natalie, Nathalie, Natalya, Nataliya, Natale, Nathalia, Natalee, Natallia, Nataly. Here are some famous Natalis:

Natali Germanotta

Natali Veronica Germanotta
First Name Natali
Last Name Germanotta
Born on March 10, 1992 (age 32)

Natali Veronica Germanotta is an American fashion designer, stylist, and the younger sister of singer Lady Gaga.

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Natali Morris

First Name Natali
Last Name Morris
Born on August 28, 1978 (age 46)

Natali Terese Morris is an online media personality and co-founder of Morris Invest, a real estate investment company. She was formerly a technology news journalist with CNET and CBS.

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Natali Nevedrova

First Name Natali
Last Name Nevedrova
Born on April 6, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Russia
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