List of Famous people named Misha-an

Here are some famous Misha-ans:

Misha'an al-Juburi

First Name Misha'an
Born on January 1, 1955 (age 70)

Misha'an al-Juburi is an Iraqi politician from the Sunni Arab community and member of Al-Arabiya Coalition. He also was the head of Reconciliation and Liberation Bloc, which held three seats in the Iraqi Council of Representatives from 2005–2010. Juburi is the publisher of the al-Itijah al-Akhar newspaper and the owner of the Syrian-based Arrai TV. He is a Sheikh of the Al-Jiburi tribe, which is powerful in Salahuddin Governorate. As of 2016, he is a senior member of a parliamentary committee investigating official corruption.

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