List of Famous people named Milano

Similar names: Melanie, Milan, Melania, Melian, Milana, Melani, Meiliana. Here are some famous Milanos:

Milano Collection A.T.

照井 章仁
First Name Milano
Last Name A.T.
Born on August 27, 1976 (age 48)

Akihito Sawafuji , is a Japanese color commentator and retired professional wrestler, better known by his ring name Milano Collection A. T. . As Milano, Sawafuji adopted the gimmick of an Italian fashion aficionado/supermodel, reflected in his ring attire. Milano is also known for walking to the ring with an invisible dog known as Mikeru. After retiring from in-ring competition in 2010, Milano began working as a color commentator for New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW), a position he maintains to this day.

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