List of Famous people named Mem

Similar names: Mimi, Mamie, Mimmo, Mami, Memo, Mayim, Mama, Maame, Mamo, Maimi, Memmo, Mimma, Mimmi, Maimie, Mimie, Mimo, Meme, Mamia. Here are some famous Mems:

Mem de Sá

First Name Mem
Last Name
Born on January 1, 1500
Died on March 2, 1572 (aged 72)
Born in Portugal, Coimbra

Mem de Sá was a Governor-General of the Portuguese colony of Brazil from 1557-1572. He was born in Coimbra, Kingdom of Portugal, around 1500, the year of discovery of Brazil by a naval fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral.

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