List of Famous people named Maximinus

Here are some famous Maximinuses:

Maximinus Thrax

First Name Maximinus
Born on January 1, 0173
Died on May 10, 0238 (aged 65)

Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus "Thrax" or Maximinus I was Roman emperor from 235 to 238.

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Maximinus Daza

First Name Maximinus
Born on November 20, 0270
Died on January 1, 0313 (aged 42)

Galerius Valerius Maximinus Daza was Roman emperor from 310 to 313. He became embroiled in the Civil wars of the Tetrarchy between rival claimants for control of the empire, in which he was defeated by Licinius. A committed pagan, he engaged in one of the last persecutions of Christians.

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