List of Famous people named Marouf

Here are some famous Maroufs:

Marouf al-Bakhit

First Name Marouf
Last Name Al-Bakhit
Born on May 7, 1947 (age 77)

Marouf Suleiman al-Bakhit was a Jordanian politician and two-time Prime Minister. He first served as Prime Minister from 27 November 2005 until 25 November 2007 and then again from 9 February 2011 to 17 October 2011. Bakhit also held the position of Jordanian ambassador to Israel and the national security chief. Appointed as Prime Minister by King Abdullah II less than three weeks after the 2005 Amman bombings, Bakhit's main priorities were to maintain security and stability in Jordan. He was reappointed as Prime Minister by the King on 1 February 2011, following weeks of protests.

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