List of Famous people named Loreto

Similar names: Loretta, Loreta, Loretto. Here are some famous Loretos:

Loreto Valverde

First Name Loreto
Last Name Valverde
Born on October 1, 1966 (age 57)
Born in Spain, Catalonia
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Loreto Aravena

First Name Loreto
Last Name Aravena
Born on August 6, 1983 (age 40)

Loreto del Pilar Aravena Soto is a Chilean actress who is known for her role as Claudia Herrera, in the series Los 80 on Channel 13.

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Loreto Mauleón

First Name Loreto
Last Name Mauleón
Born on August 14, 1988 (age 35)

Loreto Mauleón is a Spanish actress. Early recognisable to a Basque audience for her performance in the soap opera Goenkale, she became known to a wider Spanish audience for her performances in El secreto de Puente Viejo and Patria.

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Loreto Peralta

Loreto Peralta Jacobson
First Name Loreto
Last Name Peralta
Born on June 9, 2004 (age 20)
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