List of Famous people named Leland

Here are some famous Lelands:

Leland Chapman

First Name Leland
Last Name Chapman
Born on December 14, 1976 (age 47)

Leland Blane Chapman is an American bail bondsman and bounty hunter, known as one of the stars of the A&E Network reality television program Dog the Bounty Hunter. He also starred in the Country Music Television television documentary Dog and Beth: On the Hunt.

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Leland Yee

First Name Leland
Last Name Yee
Born on November 20, 1948 (age 75)

Leland Yin Yee is a convicted arms trafficker and former Democratic California State Senator for District 8, which when he was elected, covered parts of San Francisco and the Peninsula. In 2015, Yee pleaded guilty to felony racketeering charges for money laundering, public corruption, gun trafficking, and bribery.

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Leland D. Melvin

First Name Leland
Last Name Melvin
Born on February 15, 1964 (age 60)

Leland Devon Melvin is an American engineer and a retired NASA astronaut. He served on board the Space Shuttle Atlantis as a mission specialist on STS-122, and as mission specialist 1 on STS-129. Melvin was named the NASA Associate Administrator for Education in October 2010.

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Leland Orser

First Name Leland
Last Name Orser
Born on August 6, 1960 (age 63)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Leland Jones Orser is an American actor. Orser has appeared in various roles in a wide variety of films and television series, including Chief of Surgery Dr. Lucien Dubenko on the television series ER.

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Leland Fraser

First Name Leland
Last Name Fraser
Born on May 2, 2006 (age 18)
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Leland Palmer

First Name Leland
Last Name Palmer
Born on June 16, 1945 (age 79)

Leland Palmer is an American actress, dancer, and singer who has appeared on stage, in motion pictures, and on television. She appeared on Broadway in Bajour (1964), A Joyful Noise (1966) Hello, Dolly!, Applause, and Pippin (1972). Palmer received two Tony Award nominations: in 1967 for featured actress in a musical, and in 1973 for actress in a musical.

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Leland Fuller

First Name Leland
Last Name Fuller
Born on February 16, 1899
Died on October 9, 1962 (aged 63)

Leland Fuller was an American art director. He was nominated for six Academy Awards in the category Best Art Direction. He worked on 48 films between 1943 and 1962.

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