List of Famous people named Leka

Similar names: Lech, Lieke, Lykke, Leck. Here are some famous Lekas:

Leka II, Crown Prince of Albania

First Name Leka
Born on March 26, 1982 (age 42)

Prince Leka of Albania is the only child of the first Leka, Crown Prince of Albania, and Susan Cullen-Ward. Prince Leka was an official at the Albanian Ministry of Interior and in the past has served as an adviser at the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Presidency. On 30 November 2011, he succeeded as head of the House of Zogu, titular King of the Albanians upon the death of his father. The prince is also known as Crown Prince Leka II after his father, who was referred to as Leka I.

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Leka I, Crown Prince of Albania

Leka Skënder
First Name Leka
Born on April 5, 1939
Died on November 30, 2011 (aged 72)

Leka, Crown Prince of Albania, was the only son of King Zog I and Queen Geraldine of Albania. He was called Crown Prince Skander at birth. Leka was the pretender to the Albanian throne and was referred to as King Leka I.

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