List of Famous people named Laureen

Similar names: Lauren, Lauryn, Laurieann, Laureano, Laurean. Here are some famous Laureens:

Laureen Harper

Laureen Ann Teskey
First Name Laureen
Born on June 23, 1963 (age 61)
Born in Canada, Alberta

Laureen Ann Harper is a Canadian graphic designer. She is the wife of Canada's 22nd prime minister, Stephen Harper.

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Laureen Nussbaum

First Name Laureen
Born on August 3, 1927 (age 96)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Laureen Nussbaum is a German-born American scholar and writer. She is best known for being a Holocaust survivor, and as a scholar and childhood friend of the famed memoirist Anne Frank. Nussbaum is frequently consulted on Anne Frank works and literature.

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