List of Famous people named Keli

Similar names: Kyle, Kelly, Kylie, Kelli, Kellie, Kelley, Kyla, Keala, Keeley, Kel, Kiel, Keely, Kele, Kellye, Kiely, Kelle, Kilo, Kell, Kylee, Kiele, Kaela, Kellee. Here are some famous Kelis:

Keli Lane

First Name Keli
Last Name Lane
Born on March 21, 1975 (age 49)

Keli Lane, a former Australian water polo player, and teacher was convicted of the 1996 murder of her newborn baby Tegan, and three counts of making a false declaration. Lane is serving an 18-year prison sentence and will be eligible for parole on 12 May 2024, after serving a period of 13 years and five months in custody. On 18 April 2011, Lane's lawyers lodged an appeal against her conviction at the same time as a Sydney taxi driver alleged he saw Lane dispose of the child. Her final application for appeal was rejected by the High Court in August 2014.

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