List of Famous people named Juno

Similar names: June, Jun, Junia, Junya, Junie, Juni, Junno. Here are some famous Junos:

Juno Temple

Juno Violet Temple
First Name Juno
Last Name Temple
Born on July 21, 1989 (age 35)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Juno Violet Temple is an English actress. She has appeared in the films Killer Joe, Black Mass, The Other Boleyn Girl, Wild Child, Atonement, Maleficent, The Three Musketeers, Afternoon Delight, and The Dark Knight Rises. She also had a starring role in the HBO period drama series Vinyl, the Bravo true-crime drama series Dirty John and the Apple TV+ comedy series Ted Lasso.

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Juno Dawson

First Name Juno
Last Name Dawson
Born on July 10, 1981 (age 43)

Juno Dawson is a British writer of young adult fiction and non-fiction, including This Book is Gay, Margot & Me, and The Gender Games.

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Juno Mak

First Name Juno
Last Name Mak
Born on March 18, 1984 (age 40)

Juno Mak is a Hong Kong singer, record producer, actor, and director.

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