List of Famous people named Jesy

Similar names: Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jessy, Jessi, Jes, Jese, Jessye, Jizzy, Jez. Here are some famous Jesys:

Jesy Nelson

First Name Jesy
Born on June 14, 1991 (age 33)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Jessica Louise Nelson is an English singer and former member of British girl group Little Mix. The group was formed on the eighth series of The X Factor in 2011 and became the first group to win the competition. Since their debut the girl group has sold over 50 million records worldwide, placing them in the top 5 of the best selling girl groups of all time. In 2019, Nelson presented a BBC Three documentary based on her experiences with body image and online bullying titled Jesy Nelson: Odd One Out, which won the Factual Entertainment Award at the 25th National Television Awards. On 14 December 2020, she decided to leave the group for reasons related to her mental health.

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