List of Famous people named Jean-andre-tiburce

Here are some famous Jean-andre-tiburces:

Jean-André-Tiburce Sébastiani

First Name Jean-André-Tiburce
Born on March 21, 1786
Died on September 16, 1871 (aged 85)
Born in France, Corsica

Jean André Tiburce, viscount Sébastiani de La Porta, was a French general and politician. He was born on 21 March 1786 in La Porta (Haute-Corse) and died on 16 September 1871 in Bastia (Haute-Corse). Deputy of Corsica from 1828 to 1837, and Peer of France, he was the brother of the Marshal of France and politician Horace Sébastiani.

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