List of Famous people named Janyse

Similar names: Janis, Janez, Jannis. Here are some famous Janyses:

Janyse Jaud

First Name Janyse
Born on November 26, 1969 (age 54)

Janyse Aldis Jaud is a Canadian actress, musician, dancer, and author. Her major voiceover roles include Hulk Versus, My Little Pony, Inuyasha, Ed Edd n Eddy, Batman: Black & White, Baby Looney Tunes, War Planets, Spider-Man Unlimited, and Strawberry Shortcake. She is also the narrator of the Emmy Award-winning television series Adoption Stories. She has worked with companies such as Warner Bros., Alliance Atlantis, Hasbro, Marvel, Paramount, Cartoon Network, and Universal Pictures in both on-camera and voice.

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