List of Famous people named Izidor

Similar names: Isidore, Isidor, Isidoro. Here are some famous Izidors:

Izidor Kürschner

First Name Izidor
Born on March 23, 1885
Died on October 13, 1941 (aged 56)
Born in Hungary

Izidor "Dori" Kürschner, in Brazil primarily known as Dori Kruschner,, was a Hungarian football player and coach. As player he was successful with Budapest club MTK, and also played for the Hungary national football team. As coach he succeeded in Germany, winning the national championship with 1. FC Nürnberg. His greatest triumphs were to follow in Switzerland with the Grasshopper Club Zürich, where he won seven titles. Kürschner's appearance on the Brazilian scene of brought a push of innovation football there and helped establish the country as one of the giants of world football.

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