List of Famous people named Ihar

Here are some famous Ihars:

Ihar Boki

First Name Ihar
Born on June 28, 1994 (age 30)

Ihar Boki is a visually impaired Belarusian Paralympic swimmer. He competed at the 2012 and 2016 Paralympics and won 11 gold medals. As of February 2013, he holds the S13 long course world records in 100, 200 and 400 metre freestyle, 50 and 100 metre backstroke and 200 metres individual medley events. In 2018, he was named the World Disabled Male Swimmer of the Year by Swimming World.

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Ihar Losik

First Name Ihar
Born on May 20, 1992 (age 32)

Ihar Alyaksandravich Losik is a Belarusian blogger and consultant of the Belarusian section of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Since June 25, 2020 he is held in prison by Belarusian authorities. Viasna Human Rights Centre and Amnesty International recognize him as a political prisoner.

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Ihar Shunevich

First Name Ihar
Born on March 27, 1967 (age 57)
Born in Ukraine
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Ihar Makarau

First Name Ihar
Born on July 20, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Russia, Tver Oblast

Ihar Viktaravich Makarau, also commonly known by the Russian spelling Igor Viktorovich Makarov, is a Belarusian judoka. He won the gold medal in the half-heavyweight (100 kg) division at the 2004 Summer Olympics.

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Ihar Karpienka

First Name Ihar
Born on April 28, 1964 (age 60)
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Ihar Marzaliuk

First Name Ihar
Born on September 11, 1968 (age 56)
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Don't know him/her
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