List of Famous people named Ice

Similar names: Aecio, Eicca. Here are some famous Ices:

Ice Cube

O'Shea Jackson
First Name Ice
Last Name Cube
Born on June 15, 1969 (age 55)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

O'Shea Jackson, better known by his stage name Ice Cube, is an American rapper, actor, and filmmaker. His lyrics on N.W.A's 1988 album Straight Outta Compton contributed to gangsta rap's widespread popularity. His solo albums of 1990 and 1991 consist of political rap. In 1991 and 1995, entering film, he starred in Boyz n the Hood and cocreated Friday.

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Ice MC

Ian Campbell
First Name Ice
Last Name MC
Born on March 22, 1965 (age 59)

Ice MC is a British rapper who started his professional music career in Italy when he got signed to Robyx and made his debut with the single "Easy". He's best known for the hit singles "Take Away the Colour", "Think About the Way" "and "It's a Rainy Day". The Ice MC hits are most notable for being the first songs in the Eurodance genre to blend raggamuffin style rap with female singing choruses. Italian producer and singer Roberto Zanetti and his music team produced the Ice MC hits while simultaneously producing hits for other major '90s artists like Double You, Alexia, and Corona.

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Ice Blue

First Name Ice
Last Name Blue
Born on March 16, 1969 (age 55)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Ice Chow

First Name Ice
Last Name Chow
Born on November 19, 1991 (age 33)
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