List of Famous people named Hanabusa

Here are some famous Hanabusas:

Hanabusa Yoshitada

First Name Hanabusa
Last Name Yoshitada
Born on February 10, 1842
Died on July 9, 1917 (aged 75)

Hanabusa Yoshitada was a Japanese politician, diplomat and peer.

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Hanabusa Itchō

First Name Hanabusa
Last Name Itchō
Born on January 1, 1652
Died on February 7, 1724 (aged 72)

Hanabusa Itchō was a Japanese painter, calligrapher, and haiku poet. He originally trained in the Kanō style, under Kanō Yasunobu, but ultimately rejected that style and became a literati (bunjin). He was also known as Hishikawa Waō and by a number of other art-names.

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