List of Famous people named Hai

Similar names: He, H, Ha, Hy, Ho, Hayao, Heo, Hay, Hoei, Haya, Hayo, Hao. Here are some famous Hais:

Hai Rui

First Name Hai
Last Name Rui
Born on January 23, 1514
Died on November 13, 1587 (aged 73)

Hai Rui was a Chinese scholar-official and politician during the Ming dynasty. He is remembered as a model of honesty and integrity in office. A play based on his career, Hai Rui Dismissed from Office, gained political significance in the 1960s during the Cultural Revolution.

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Hai Zi

First Name Hai
Last Name Zi
Born on March 26, 1964
Died on March 26, 1989 (aged 25)

Hai Zi is the pen name of the Chinese poet Zha Haisheng (查海生). He was one of the most famous poets in Mainland China after the Cultural Revolution. He committed suicide by lying on the rail in Shanhaiguan at the age of 25.

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Hai Lu

First Name Hai
Last Name Lu
Born on October 15, 1987 (age 36)
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Hai Qing

First Name Hai
Last Name Qing
Born on January 12, 1978 (age 46)

Hai Qing is a Chinese film and television actress who has appeared in such films as Finding Mr. Right, Operation Red Sea and Sacrifice. For her role in the 2009 television series A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era she was nominated for numerous TV awards including a Flying Apsaras Awards for Best Actress and a Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress which she both won. In 2015 Hai became the first UN Women National Ambassador for China Li ranked 36th on Forbes China Celebrity 100 list in 2013, 46th in 2014, and 57th in 2015.

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