List of Famous people named Guru

Here are some famous Gurus:

Guru Dutt

First Name Guru
Last Name Dutt
Born on July 9, 1925
Died on October 10, 1964 (aged 39)
Born in India

Vasanth Kumar Shivashankar Padukone, better known as Guru Dutt, was an Indian film director, producer and actor. He made 1950s and 1960s classics such as Pyaasa, Kaagaz Ke Phool, Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam and Chaudhvin Ka Chand. In particular, Pyaasa and Kaagaz Ke Phool have been included among the greatest films of all time, Pyaasa by Time magazine's "All-TIME" 100 best movies list and by the 2002 Sight & Sound critics' and directors' poll, where Dutt himself is included among the greatest film directors of all time.

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Guru Randhawa

First Name Guru
Last Name Randhawa
Born on August 30, 1991 (age 33)
Born in India

Gursharanjot Singh Randhawa is an Indian singer, songwriter and music composer associated with Punjabi, Bhangra, Indi-pop and Bollywood music. He is known for songs like "Lahore", "Patola", "High Rated Gabru", "Daaru Wargi", "Raat Kamal Hai", "Suit", "Ban Ja Rani", "Made in India", "Ishare Tere", "Tere Te", "Fashion", "Downtown" and "Slowly Slowly", "Surma Surma", "Baby Girl", "Naach Meri Rani", "Mehendi Wale Haath". Guru Randhawa's debut single was "Same girl" in collaboration with Arjun.

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Guru Somasundaram

First Name Guru
Last Name Somasundaram
Born on September 3, 1975 (age 49)
Born in India

Guru Somasundaram is an Indian actor who has appeared in Tamil and Malayalam films. He made his debut in Thiagarajan Kumararaja's Aaranya Kaandam (2011) winning critical acclaim for his role, before also appearing in Suseenthiran's action film Pandiya Naadu (2013), Karthik Subbaraj's gangster film Jigarthanda (2014) and Raju Murugan's political satire film Joker (2016). He is living in Tiruvannamalai.

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