List of Famous people named Guinn

Here are some famous Guinns:

Guinn "Big Boy" Williams

First Name Guinn
Last Name Williams
Born on April 26, 1899
Died on June 6, 1962 (aged 63)

Guinn Terrell Williams Jr. was an American actor who appeared in memorable westerns such as Dodge City (1939), Santa Fe Trail (1940), and The Comancheros (1961). He was nicknamed "Big Boy" as he was 6' 2" and had a muscular build from years of working on ranches and playing semi-pro and professional baseball.

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Guinn Williams

First Name Guinn
Last Name Williams
Born on April 22, 1871
Died on January 9, 1948 (aged 76)

Guinn Terrell Williams was an American banker and politician. A Democrat, he served in the Texas State Senate, and is most notable for his service in the U.S. Representative from Texas.

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