List of Famous people named Gillo

Similar names: Gil, Gila, Gael, Gill, Gela, Gaelle, Geli, Gile, Gille. Here are some famous Gillos:

Gillo Dorfles

First Name Gillo
Last Name Dorfles
Died on March 2, 2018 (aged 48)

Angelo Eugenio "Gillo" Dorfles was an Italian art critic, painter, and philosopher.

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Gillo Pontecorvo

Gilberto Pontecorvo
First Name Gillo
Last Name Pontecorvo
Born on November 19, 1919
Died on October 12, 2006 (aged 86)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Gillo Pontecorvo was an Italian filmmaker. He worked as a film director for more than a decade before his best known film La battaglia di Algeri was released. It won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1966.

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