List of Famous people named Gilad

Here are some famous Gilads:

Gilad Shalit

First Name Gilad
Born on August 28, 1986 (age 37)

Gilad Shalit is a former MIA soldier of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who on 25 June 2006, was captured by Palestinian militants in a cross-border raid via tunnels near the Israeli border. Hamas held him captive for over five years, until his release on 18 October 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange deal.

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Gilad Japhet

First Name Gilad
Born on December 19, 1969 (age 54)

Gilad Japhet is an Israeli entrepreneur and genealogist. He is the founder and CEO of MyHeritage, a high-tech company that has developed a platform for preserving family history and creating family trees. It also offers DNA testing.

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