List of Famous people named Gentile

Similar names: Gentil. Here are some famous Gentiles:

Gentile Bellini

First Name Gentile
Last Name Bellini
Born on January 1, 1429
Died on February 23, 1507 (aged 78)

Gentile Bellini was an Italian painter of the school of Venice. He came from Venice's leading family of painters, and at least in the early part of his career was more highly regarded than his younger brother Giovanni Bellini, the reverse of the case today. From 1474 he was the official portrait artist for the Doges of Venice, and as well as his portraits he painted a number of very large subjects with multitudes of figures, especially for the Scuole Grandi of Venice, wealthy confraternities that were very important in Venetian patrician social life.

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Gentile da Fabriano

First Name Gentile
Last Name Fabriano
Born on January 1, 1370
Died on September 1, 1427 (aged 57)
Born in Italy, Marche

Gentile da Fabriano was an Italian painter known for his participation in the International Gothic painter style. He worked in various places in central Italy, mostly in Tuscany. His best-known works are his Adoration of the Magi from the Strozzi Altarpiece (1423), and the Flight into Egypt.

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Gentile de' Becchi

First Name Gentile
Last Name Becchi
Died on November 30, 1496
Born in Italy, Marche

Gentile de' Becchi was an Italian bishop, diplomat, orator and writer. He was a member of the Platonic Academy of the Medici of Florence and tutor of Lorenzo the Magnificent and his son Giovanni de' Medici, later Pope Leo X. Of his writings there exist many letters, poems in Latin, and prayers which are praised by historian Cecil Grayson as his finest works.

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Gentile Brancaleoni

First Name Gentile
Last Name Brancaleoni
Born on January 1, 1416
Died on August 5, 1457 (aged 41)

Gentile Brancaleoni, was the daughter of Bartolomeo Brancaleoni, Lord of Massa Trabaria and Count of Mercatello sul Metauro, and Giovanna Alidosi. The name "Gentile" is, now as then, both masculine and feminine; in fact, she was named after her paternal grandfather.

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