List of Famous people named Geeta

Similar names: Gitta, Gitte, Gita, Geta, Ghita, Gitty, Gitti, Gytha. Here are some famous Geetas:

Geeta Phogat

First Name Geeta
Born on December 15, 1988 (age 36)
Born in India, Charkhi Dadri
Height 153 cm | 5'0

Geeta Phogat is a freestyle wrestler who won India's first ever gold medal in wrestling at the Commonwealth Games in 2010. She is also the first Indian female wrestler to have qualified for the Olympic Summer Games.

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Geeta Basra

First Name Geeta
Born on March 13, 1984 (age 40)

Geeta Basra is a British actress who has appeared in Bollywood films. She is married to Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh.

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Geeta Kapur

First Name Geeta
Born on July 5, 1973 (age 51)
Born in India

Geeta Kapur is an Indian super dancer in Bollywood, and Tollywood is one of the judges for the Indian reality dance talent show Dance India Dance, Super Dancer, India Ke Mast Kalandar and India's Best Dancer.

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Geeta Bali

First Name Geeta
Born on January 1, 1930
Died on January 21, 1965 (aged 35)
Born in India

Geeta Bali was an Indian film actress who appeared in Hindi language films. She was considered one of the most spontaneous and expressive stars of Bollywood for her acting.

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