List of Famous people named Eumenes

Here are some famous Eumeneses:

Eumenes II

First Name Eumenes
Born on January 1, -0221
Died on November 30, -0160 (aged 60)

Eumenes II surnamed Soter meaning "Savior" was a ruler of Pergamon, and a son of Attalus I Soter and queen Apollonis and a member of the Attalid dynasty of Pergamon.

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Eumenes III

First Name Eumenes
Born on January 1, -0200
Died on January 1, -0129 (aged 71)

Eumenes III was a pretender to the throne of Pergamon. He led the revolt against the Pergamene regime and found success early on, seizing various cities near the coast of Anatolia, including the island of Samos, and killing the Roman consul Publius Licinius Crassus Dives Mucianus. However, the revolt was eventually quelled by the Roman Republic in 129 BC when it dispatched the experienced Marcus Perperna to the region.

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Eumenes I

First Name Eumenes
Born on November 30, -0251
Died on January 1, -0241 (aged 10)

Eumenes I was dynast (ruler) of the city of Pergamon in Asia Minor from 263 BC until his death in 241 BC. He was the son of Eumenes, the brother of Philetaerus, the founder of the Attalid dynasty, and Satyra, daughter of Poseidonius. As he had no children, Philetaerus adopted Eumenes to become his heir.

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