List of Famous people named Endicott

Here are some famous Endicotts:

Endicott Peabody

First Name Endicott
Last Name Peabody
Born on February 15, 1920
Died on December 1, 1997 (aged 77)

Endicott "Chub" Peabody was an American politician from Massachusetts. A Democrat, he served a single two-year term as the 62nd Governor of Massachusetts, from 1963 to 1965. He is probably best known for his opposition to the death penalty, his many electoral failures, and for signing into law the legislation establishing the University of Massachusetts Boston.

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Endicott Peabody Saltonstall

First Name Endicott
Last Name Saltonstall
Born on April 15, 1879
Died on December 19, 1922 (aged 43)

Endicott Peabody Saltonstall was an American attorney who served as District Attorney of Middlesex County, Massachusetts from 1921 to 1922.

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