List of Famous people named Efraim

Similar names: Ephraim. Here are some famous Efraims:

Efraim Diveroli

First Name Efraim
Last Name Diveroli
Born on December 20, 1985 (age 39)

Efraim Diveroli is an American former arms dealer and author. His company, AEY Inc., was a major weapons contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense. The U.S. government suspended AEY for violating its contract after AEY provided 42-year-old substandard and unserviceable Chinese ammunition and attempted to re-brand and re-package it, thus violating the American arms embargo against China. As a result of the publicity surrounding the contract and the age of the arms dealers – Diveroli was 21 and partner David Packouz was 25 when AEY landed the ammunition deal – the United States Army began a review of its contracting procedures.

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Efraim Halevy

First Name Efraim
Last Name Halevy
Born on December 2, 1934 (age 90)

Efraim Halevy is a lawyer and an Israeli intelligence expert. He was the ninth director of Mossad and the 4th head of the Israeli National Security Council.

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