List of Famous people named Ebba

Similar names: Ib, Ebbe, Ebe. Here are some famous Ebbas:

Ebba Sparre

First Name Ebba
Died on March 19, 1662

Ebba Larsdotter Sparre was a Swedish lady-in-waiting and noblewoman. She is known as the intimate friend and speculated lover of Queen Christina of Sweden.

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Ebba Brahe

First Name Ebba
Born on March 16, 1596
Died on January 5, 1674 (aged 77)

Ebba Magnusdotter Brahe was a Swedish countess, landowner, and courtier. She is foremost known for being the love object of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, and because he wished to marry her prior to his marriage, plans which were however never realized. Their love affair has been famous in the Swedish romantic history and the subject of fiction, and are documented in their preserved correspondence.

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Ebba Eriksdotter Vasa

First Name Ebba
Born on November 30, 1490
Died on November 21, 1549 (aged 58)
Born in Sweden

Ebba Eriksdotter Vasa was a Swedish noblewoman. She was the mother of Queen Margaret Leijonhufvud and the second cousin and mother-in-law of King Gustav Vasa.

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Ebba Johanna Dorothea Almroth

First Name Ebba
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Ebba Ekholm

First Name Ebba
Born on July 8, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Mexico
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Ebba Hentze

First Name Ebba
Born on September 25, 1930
Died on May 20, 2015 (aged 84)

Ebba Hentze was a Faroese writer of children's books and a poet and translator.

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Ebba Strid

First Name Ebba
Born on March 28, 1997 (age 27)
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