List of Famous people named Dionysius

Here are some famous Dionysiuses:

Dionysius II of Syracuse

First Name Dionysius
Born on January 1, -0397
Died on January 1, -0343 (aged 54)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Dionysius the Younger, or Dionysius II, was a Greek politician who ruled Syracuse, Sicily from 367 BC to 357 BC and again from 346 BC to 344 BC.

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Dionysius I of Syracuse

First Name Dionysius
Died on November 30, -0368
Born in Italy, Sicily

Dionysius I or Dionysius the Elder was a Greek tyrant of Syracuse, in Sicily. He conquered several cities in Sicily and southern Italy, opposed Carthage's influence in Sicily and made Syracuse the most powerful of the Western Greek colonies. He was regarded by the ancients as an example of the worst kind of despot—cruel, suspicious and vindictive.

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Dionysius of Heraclea

First Name Dionysius
Born on January 1, -0360
Died on January 1, -0305 (aged 55)

Dionysius was a tyrant of Heraclea Pontica on the Euxine. He was a son of Clearchus, who had assumed the tyranny in his place of birth.

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Dionysius Hayom Rumbaka

Dionysius Hayom Rumbaka is a retired Indonesian badminton player. He is a men's singles specialist from PB. Djarum, a badminton club in Kudus, Central Java and has joined the club since 2005. He retired in 2018 due to long injury and started his coaching career in PB. Djarum youth team.

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Dionysius the Areopagite

First Name Dionysius
Born on January 1, 0100
Died on November 30, 0099

Dionysius the Areopagite was a judge at the Areopagus Court in Athens, who lived in the first century. A convert to Christianity, he is venerated as a saint by multiple denominations.

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Dionysius Thrax

First Name Dionysius
Born on November 30, -0171
Died on January 1, -0089 (aged 82)

Dionysius Thrax was a Hellenistic grammarian and a pupil of Aristarchus of Samothrace. He was long considered to be the author of the earliest grammatical text on the Greek language, one that was used as a standard manual for perhaps some 1,500 years, and which was until recently regarded as the groundwork of the entire Western grammatical tradition.

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Dionysius of Lamptrai

First Name Dionysius
Died on November 30, -0206

Dionysius of Lamptrai was an Epicurean philosopher, who succeeded Polystratus as the head (scholarch) of the Epicurean school at Athens c. 219 BC. He died c. 205 BC and was succeeded by Basilides.

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Dionysius Kfoury

First Name Dionysius
Born on December 5, 1879
Died on March 11, 1965 (aged 85)
Born in Syria

Dionysius Kfoury, BS was a bishop of the Melkite Greek Catholic Archeparchy of Alexandria.

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Dionysius the Renegade

First Name Dionysius
Born on November 30, -0331
Died on November 30, -0251 (aged 80)

Dionysius the Renegade, also known as Dionysius of Heraclea, was a Stoic philosopher and pupil of Zeno of Citium who, late in life, abandoned Stoicism when he became afflicted by terrible pain.

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