List of Famous people named Diamond

Here are some famous Diamonds:

Diamond Yukai

田所 豊
First Name Diamond
Last Name Yukai
Born on March 12, 1962 (age 62)

Yutaka Tadokoro , known professionally as Diamond Yukai , is a Japanese rock singer and actor. He was born in Tanashi, Tokyo, Japan. He is the vocalist for the Japanese rock band Red Warriors. He has acted in the Hollywood films Tokyo Pop and Lost in Translation and is often seen on television variety shows.

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Diamond Dallas Page

First Name Diamond
Last Name Page
Born on April 5, 1956 (age 68)
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Dallas Page, better known by his ring name Diamond Dallas Page (DDP), is an American retired professional wrestler, fitness instructor, motivational speaker, and actor. In the course of his wrestling career, which spanned two decades, Page has wrestled for mainstream wrestling promotions World Championship Wrestling (WCW), the World Wrestling Federation, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA), and All Elite Wrestling (AEW).

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Diamond Platnumz

First Name Diamond
Last Name Platnumz
Born on October 2, 1989 (age 34)

Nasibu Abdul Juma, popularly known by his stage name Diamond Platnumz, and often referred to as "Simba" or "The King of Bongo-Flava" is a Tanzanian bongo flava recording artist, actor, dancer, philanthropist and a businessman from Tandale, Dar es Salaam. He is the founder and CEO of WCB Wasafi Record Label, Zoom production, Wasafi TV, a major Tanzanian media outlet, and Wasafi Fm, one of Tanzania's most widely listed radio stations. He has had several hit songs including "Number One" featuring Nigerian artist Davido, and African Beauty featuring Omarion. His significant contribution to African music continues to be widely recognised at the public level with him being awarded numerous awards, from Channel O, MTV Awards, Soundcity, Kilimnjaro Music Awards, Headies, Afrima, Afrimma, Kora, AEA, the HiPipo Music Awards and more.

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Diamond Cassanova

First Name Diamond
Last Name Cassanova
Born on November 30, 1991 (age 32)
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