List of Famous people named Daniella

Similar names: Daniel, Daniela, Danielle, Daniele, Danilo, Daniil, Danelle, Danneel, Dannel, Danell, Danila, Danylo, Danniella, Danyelle. Here are some famous Daniellas:

Daniella Pineda

Daniella Nicole Pineda
First Name Daniella
Born on February 20, 1987 (age 37)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Daniella Pineda is an American actress, writer, and comedian.

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Daniella Karagach

First Name Daniella
Born on January 1, 1992 (age 32)

Daniella Brittany Karagach Pashkova is an American dancer. Karagach and dance partner Leonid Juashkovsky are three-time United States junior I and II Latin champions. They were the 2007 junior II 10 dance champions. Abroad, they reached the finals in the Celtic Classic, Moscow Open and Barcelona Open. Karagach and Juashkovsky were the United States representatives to the World Championships in Latvia, Russia and Barcelona. They appeared on seasons 2 and 3 of America's Ballroom Challenge on PBS. She became a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars in 2019.

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Daniella Alonso

First Name Daniella
Born on September 22, 1978 (age 45)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Daniella Alonso is an American actress and former fashion model. She has appeared in a number of horror films, including The Hills Have Eyes 2 and Wrong Turn 2: Dead End. Alonso was a regular cast member in the NBC post-apocalyptic series Revolution from 2012 to 2013, and the medical drama The Night Shift in 2014. Alonso also appeared in the first season of the TNT crime drama Animal Kingdom in 2016, and in 2019 began starring as Cristal Flores in the third season of The CW prime time soap opera, Dynasty.

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Daniella Levine Cava

First Name Daniella
Born on September 14, 1955 (age 68)

Daniella Levine Cava is an American lawyer, social worker, and politician who has served as mayor of Miami-Dade County, Florida since 2020. Previously, she served as a Miami-Dade County Commissioner from 2014 until her election as mayor.

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Daniella Álvarez

First Name Daniella
Born on May 24, 1988 (age 36)

Daniella Margarita Álvarez Vásquez is a Colombian model who holds the title of Miss Colombia 2011 and represented Colombia at Miss Universe 2012. In June 2020, complications in her left leg meant that it had to be amputated below the knee.

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Daniella Deutscher

First Name Daniella
Born on October 4, 1975 (age 48)

Daniella Maria Deutscher, also sometimes credited as Daniella Wolters, is an American actress, best known for playing the role of Julie Connor on the American Saturday morning television series Hang Time (1995–2000).

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Daniella van Graas

Daniella van Graas is a Dutch fashion model, cover girl, and actress. She has appeared in movies, on television, and between 1997 and 2003 on the cover of several magazines. In 2012 she was featured in the Dutch television show The Prettiest Girl in Class.

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Daniella Cicarelli

First Name Daniella
Born on November 6, 1978 (age 45)
Born in Brazil, Minas Gerais
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Daniella Cicarelli Lemos is a Brazilian former model and TV show hostess for MTV Brasil's Beija Sapo. She was engaged to Brazilian footballer Ronaldo for three months in 2005.

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Daniella Kertesz

First Name Daniella
Born on March 11, 1989 (age 35)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Daniella Kertesz is an Israeli actress. She played Segen in the film World War Z, and starred as Onie in the psychological thriller film AfterDeath.

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Daniella Wang

First Name Daniella
Born on August 6, 1989 (age 34)

Daniella Wang, born Wang Lidan, is a Chinese actress and fashion model of Mongolian ethnicity. Daniella Wang is best known for acting in a Hong Kong Category III film Due West: Our Sex Journey.

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