List of Famous people named Courteney

Here are some famous Courteneys:

Courteney Cox

First Name Courteney
Born on June 15, 1964 (age 60)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Courteney Bass Cox is an American actress, producer, and director. She gained recognition for her starring role as Monica Geller on the NBC sitcom Friends (1994–2004), for which she received seven Screen Actors Guild Award nominations, of which she won one. She received further recognition for starring as Gale Weathers in the horror film franchise Scream (1996–present). She also starred as Lauren Miller in the NBC sitcom Family Ties (1987–1989), Lucy Spiller in the FX drama series Dirt (2007–2008), and as Jules Cobb in the ABC/TBS sitcom Cougar Town (2009–2015), the lattermost of which earned her Critics' Choice Award and Golden Globe Award nominations.

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