List of Famous people named Childebert

Here are some famous Childeberts:

Childebert I

First Name Childebert
Born on January 1, 0497
Died on December 23, 0558 (aged 61)
Born in France, Grand Est

Childebert I was a Frankish King of the Merovingian dynasty, as third of the four sons of Clovis I who shared the kingdom of the Franks upon their father's death in 511. He was one of the sons of Saint Clotilda, born at Reims. He reigned as King of Paris from 511 to 558 and Orléans from 524 to 558.

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Childebert II

First Name Childebert
Born on April 6, 0570
Died on November 30, 0595 (aged 25)

Childebert II (c.570–596) was the Merovingian king of Austrasia from 575 until his death in March 596, as the only son of Sigebert I and Brunhilda of Austrasia; and the king of Burgundy from 592 to his death, as the adopted son of his uncle Guntram.

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Childebert III

First Name Childebert
Born on November 30, 0677
Died on April 14, 0711 (aged 33)

Childebert III, called the Just, was the son of Theuderic III and Clotilda and sole king of the Franks (694–711). He was seemingly but a puppet of the mayor of the palace, Pepin of Heristal, though his placita show him making judicial decisions of his own will, even against the Arnulfing clan. His nickname has no comprehensible justification except possibly as a result of these judgements, but the Liber Historiae Francorum calls him a "famous man" and "the glorious lord of good memory, Childebert, the just king." He had a son named Dagobert, who succeeded him, as Dagobert III but his wife was not Edonne, the invention of later fantasists. It is possible, though not likely, that Chlothar IV was also his son. He spent almost his entire life in a royal villa on the Oise.

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Childebert the Adopted

First Name Childebert
Born on November 30, 0649
Died on January 1, 0662 (aged 12)

Childebert III the Adopted was a Frankish king.

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