List of Famous people named Charles-auguste

Here are some famous Charles-augustes:

Charles-Auguste de Goyon

First Name Charles-Auguste
Born on May 28, 1647
Died on December 6, 1729 (aged 82)
Born in France, Normandy

Charles-Auguste de Goÿon de Matignon, comte de Gacé (1647-1729), was the French soldier, diplomat and Marshal of France.

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Charles-Auguste Questel

First Name Charles-Auguste
Born on September 18, 1807
Died on August 7, 1888 (aged 80)

Charles-Auguste Questel was a French architect and teacher. As well as designing new buildings, his projects included the preservation of historical monuments. He worked on several historical monuments included in France's first list of such structures, the list of 1840.

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