List of Famous people named Channing

Here are some famous Channings:

Channing Tatum

Channing Matthew Tatum
First Name Channing
Last Name Tatum
Born on April 26, 1980 (age 44)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Channing Matthew Tatum is an American actor, producer, and dancer. Tatum made his film debut in the drama film Coach Carter (2005). His breakthrough role was in the 2006 dance film Step Up, which introduced him to a wider audience.

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Channing Frye

First Name Channing
Last Name Frye
Born on May 17, 1983 (age 41)
Height 211 cm | 6'11

Channing Thomas Frye is an American former professional basketball player. A power forward-center, he played college basketball for the University of Arizona. He was drafted eighth overall by the New York Knicks in the 2005 NBA draft, and was the first college senior to be selected in that draft. He also played for the Portland Trail Blazers, Phoenix Suns, Orlando Magic, Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Lakers, winning an NBA Championship with the Cavaliers in 2016.

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Channing Dungey

First Name Channing
Last Name Dungey
Born on March 14, 1969 (age 55)

Channing Nicole Dungey is an American television executive and the first black American president of a major broadcast television network. In 2020, she was announced as the new chairman and CEO of Warner Bros. Television Studios.

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